dotnet ef migrations - migrate data, structure, or both?
Dotnet ef is a very powerful tool, that helps a lot while you are working with DB in your project. I have seen projects that had only ADO.NET, only EF, or only Dapper, but very often you merge at least two of this tech. Something with EF just to have a way to generate and apply migrations with ease. You may like Dapper for its fastness, or ADO.NET for its… rawness (rly, someone?) but EF migrations are a huge time-saver. But there is also a not-so-bright side there.
App.config in MSTest on .NET Core
Currently, at work, I’m porting the NET472 app into .Net Core 3.1. As it’s a kind of enterprise application, there are a lot of NuGet packages (younger and older one) that has some (younger and older) dependencies. One of them is ConfigurationManager…
Async over sync problem
Today I was forced to use .NET Framework MVC 5 (not core!!) as a small sample/test project. And I felt into a trap…
Azure active directory + gsuite sso email problem
I have been configuring Azure Active Directory for my domain I want to use GSuite as my “office apps” (because I can…. that’s why). When I created the first user in my AAD and he provisioned into Gsuite I found out that…